About Mooroopna Primary School
Mooroopna Primary School is close to the main business area of Mooroopna and has a current enrolment of 250 children. The school’s population comes from a varied socio-economic background. Approx. 20% of the students are Koorie. The school is strongly committed to providing a caring environment where children are encouraged to be:
- Responsible
- Respectful
- Resilient
Our values are Motivated, Persistant and Successful.
The Priorities are on students learning in areas of social skills, Literacy, Numeracy and The Arts.
The school has a very committed, approachable and professional staff who work in a co-operative and supportive manner, planning and providing a seven year integrated program for each student in all curriculum areas.
The school has published a number of information booklets which detail most of the information that families wish to know. These are issued to families when they enrol their child/children at Mooroopna Primary School, but are also available from the school for other interested people. Some of the information detailed in these booklets follows in brief form.
Enrolment forms are available from the school office.
Information regarding the placement policy is available here.
Information regarding school zoning is available at findmyschool.vic.gov.au
In addition to classroom programs, Mooroopna Primary School provides specialist teachers in Art, Music and Library. Year 5/6 students are able to access tuition in a large range of string, brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. Mooroopna Primary School ‘s facilities are of the highest quality including state of the art classrooms. The school has a modern library with computerised borrowing system, an art room, music room and hall which provide excellent facilities for these programs.
Each child’s progress is assessed on a regular and on-going basis. Written reports are sent home in June and December. Parent -Teacher Interviews are conducted and parents are welcome to discuss their child’s progress with the teachers at mutually convenient times.
The school offers lunch orders on Wednesday and Friday. The service is operated by ConnectGV.
The school publishes a weekly newsletter, usually on Thursdays. This important communication is available electronically.
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures.
The School Council has determined that all children must wear school uniform while attending school. There are “Out Of Uniform” days declared from time to time as part of special events. Items of uniform can be purchased from The School Uniform Shop, Corio Street, Shepparton. When circumstances prevent uniform from being worn, a note from the child’s parent is required. As part of the school’s Sunsmart Policy, all children are required to wear a navy blue wide-brimmed hat from September to April for all outdoor activities.